

Beyond Globalization Lies Inter-Regional Integration for Africa’s Development


AFRICA. Globalization is the integration, interconnectedness and interaction among people, governments and organizations but also an economic, political and policy tool for influence, diplomacy and power. Packaged with a neoliberal structure, it moves along with supranational and international institutions to influence engagements across borders. Globalization is marked by innovations in transportation, telecommunication and information with…

What drives change?


LIFE. Why do people start truly valuing what they love when things deteriorate or worse yet when they lose them entirely? People are more motivated to move away from something they dislike and not towards something better. Consequently, it makes them have a scarcity mindset and focus on the negative. This can be explained by…




    IDEAS. Has it ever happened to you that you came across a product, an invention, or service and realized that it was your idea? How did it make you feel? As we know, only a small % of ideas turn into something that works. Why does it happen? What is stopping people with…

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