

Illustration: Geralt / Pixabay.com

Det krävs en radikal omställning


KLIMATKRISEN. ”När stora frågor avhandlas, kanske de största, måste förstås den STORA diskussionen inledas – den som vi är extremt ovana vid, den som handlar om hur vi lever våra liv på den här jorden, anständigt mot oss själva och naturen,” skriver Stellan Lindqvist.

Cryptocurrencies are a vital part of the new globalisation


    WORLD.  Globalization has been proclaimed dead in relation to the inflation problems, the war in Ukraine, and the recent Covie-19 pandemic. Different academics and experts have talked about deglobalization since 2020. However, new globalization is now being developed and also organized with decentralized technology such as cryptocurrencies.  Comments and myths about “the death…

New solutions for global risks?


CLIMATE. “The opportunity with the Stockholm + 50 conference is to get us back to focusing on fundamental global risks. At the same time as the ongoing war takes up a lot of attention”, writes Waldemar Ingdahl of the Global Challenges Foundation.

Följ planetens utveckling med Opulens Global


NYSATSNING. Följ vår engelskspråkiga satsning Opulens Global! Förutom de utmaningar globaliseringen innebär för arbete, klimat, internationella institutioner etc vill vi lägga ett särskilt fokus på framtidsoptimistiska företeelser. 

Are cryptocurrencies good for the planet?


DECENTRALISATION. Cryptocurrencies are often criticised for having a negative impact on the environment and climate. This is particularly the case with Bitcoin in relation to carbon emissions and ecological footprint. Despite such problems, in the future different cryptocurrencies will be able to contribute to climate transformation and greener economic interactions.

The Great Reset as a recovery or a conspiracy?


WORLD. “The Great Reset” is a rising topic as the world is glimpsing the end of the Corona-pandemic. At the center of the discussions are the mentions made in articles, videos, webinars, podcasts, and a book written by Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), in collaboration with economist and consultant Thierry Malleret.…

Global Risk Society


WORLD. As sociologist Ulrick Beck once wrote it, we are living in a global risk society. In order to understand different global risks and problems, we also need to understand our emotions, perceptions and interpretations of reality. For such reasons, the latest publication about global risks from Global Challenges Foundation is insightful. 

Är internationalismen död?


Sverige har gett världen Dag Hammarskjöld, Inga-Britt Ahlenius samt, på gott och ont, Hans Blix. Stockholm myllrar av globala huvudkontor och unicorns som Klarna och Spotify. En fjärdedel av den svenska befolkningen har utländskt bakgrund. Halva ekonomin är exportberoende. Det är hårda fakta som visar att vi är öppna mot omvärlden, kan det tyckas. 

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