community - Opulens


Being an individual yesterday, today and tomorrow


THE INDIVIDUAL. Historically, the notion of being an individual is a modern phenomenon because as humans throughout history, we have lived in more or less collectivist forms of polities, communities and social organizing. Questions about our existence, feelings and lifestyles are something we deal with daily. In the book “We are all individualists” (“Vi är…

Are cryptocurrencies good for the planet?


DECENTRALISATION. Cryptocurrencies are often criticised for having a negative impact on the environment and climate. This is particularly the case with Bitcoin in relation to carbon emissions and ecological footprint. Despite such problems, in the future different cryptocurrencies will be able to contribute to climate transformation and greener economic interactions.

Det populistiska hotet


DEMOKRATI. Boken The Tribalization of Europe. A Defense of Our Liberal Values av Marlene Wind är ett välkommet bidrag i diskussionerna om Europas utveckling. Winds budskap är att historiska lärdomar är viktiga för att motverka opportunism och populism.

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