
"Anne Edelstam" - sida 7

130 resultat hittades.

Misschiefs Takeover


Misschiefs, a feminist collective, highlights Swedish women, artists, and designers in a fun and interdisciplinary way. Unique in its form and layout. It’s opened to the public and free of charge in the centre of Stockholm.

Bohemliv och modernitet


KONSTUTSTÄLLNING. På Thielska galleriet visas en utställning med verk av Axel Törneman. Anne Edelstam har sett den och imponeras av en säregen konstnär, bitvis inspirerad av sina samtida, men med sin egen stil.

The Erogenous Amazone by Prune Nourry


ART. Museums are currently closed in Paris because of the pandemic but, since a few years, certain department stores have exhibited artists. Le Bon Marché – one of the more elegant ones – situated in the centre of Paris, has exhibited world-famous artists, such as Ai Weiwei and Joana Vasconcelos, among others.

The wind’s yoik


ART. There’s an interesting exhibition about Sámi contemporary art in Stockholm this winter. It’s entitled Behind the corner, the wind’s yoik. We discover what that means at Sven-Harry’s art museum. By Anne Edelstam.

Konst med filosofiskt djup


MODERNISM. Anne Edelstam har sett utställningen Ansikte mot Ansikte, om och med Alberto Giacometti (1901-1966), på Moderna museet i Stockholm. ”Det är en koncentrerad och sparsmakad bild av mänskligheten som visas upp,” konstaterar hon.

Fashion, seen through the lens of Man Ray


FASHION. This all-around artist radically changed fashion photography and incorporated it to become an art form in itself. This exhibition at the Musée du Luxembourg, in Paris, shows how Man Ray went about to do it.

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