
Global - sida 6

Opulens Global is a magazine for you who is curious about global topics. Besides those challenges globalisation means for work, climate and international institutions, we want to focus on optimistic phenomena in the future. Follow the planet's development with us! Buy Opulens Global a coffee. Contact: info@opulensglobal.com

Flugor så som tigrar måste slås ned


DIKTATUR. I boken ”Den dolda handen. Hur Kinas kommunistiska parti underminerar västliga demokratier och omformar världen” har författarna filosofen Clive Hamilton och sinologen Mareike Ohlberg försökt att koppla ett helhetsgrepp över hur Kina och KKP hanterar främst sina utländska intressen i en globaliserad värld.

D10 – an alliance of democracies?


DEMOCRACY. For a long time, the idea of “A League of Democracies” has been suggested.  How could it influence world politics? Could 2021 be the year when the league is created?

D10 – ett demokratiernas förbund?


DEMOKRATI. Det har talats länge om ett “Demokratiernas Förbund” som kan påverka världspolitiken. Kan det vara så att 2021 kommer att bli året då det kommer att bildas? 

Slut på USA:s stöd till Saudis krig i Jemen


FRED. President Joe Biden lovade i sitt första tal på temat utrikesfrågor att USA ska upphöra med sitt stöd till Saudiarabiens krig i Jemen. Presidenten menar att kriget är en humanitär och strategisk katastrof. 

Time for EU:s humanitarian update


HUMANITY. In “Pieces of the puzzle – Managing migration in the EU” researcher Bernd Parusel argues for a new European immigration policy and system based on human rights, social inclusion and global cooperation. One important conclusion is that if the EU cannot improve and learn from current failures, it will be more or less impossible…

The Erogenous Amazone by Prune Nourry


ART. Museums are currently closed in Paris because of the pandemic but, since a few years, certain department stores have exhibited artists. Le Bon Marché – one of the more elegant ones – situated in the centre of Paris, has exhibited world-famous artists, such as Ai Weiwei and Joana Vasconcelos, among others.

The Great Reset as a recovery or a conspiracy?


WORLD. “The Great Reset” is a rising topic as the world is glimpsing the end of the Corona-pandemic. At the center of the discussions are the mentions made in articles, videos, webinars, podcasts, and a book written by Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), in collaboration with economist and consultant Thierry Malleret.…

The Tribalization of Europe


DEMOCRACY. The book The Tribalization of Europe. A Defense of Our Liberal Values by Marlene Wind is a welcomed contribution to discussions about Europe’s future. Wind’s message is that historical lessons are important to act against opportunism and populism. 

Antarctica can give a monopoly


CONFLICT. The only uninhabited continent could play a role in the political scene in the coming years. Due to the growing influence and role of environmental activists – Antarctica is becoming increasingly important, writes Filip Đukić. 

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