
English - sida 5

It is Swing Time!


DANCE. Entering Tims Mints, a bar in the heart of old Riga, on a weekday might surprise you with an intriguing scene brimming energy.

Extinction Rebellion (XR): Better actions for large scale transformation


CLIMATE. Large scale protests are taking place around the world, from Hong Kong and Chile to Sudan, Lebanon and Barcelona. We might be experiencing a different global new age of echoing common cause. People, especially young generations, have felt anger and a strong inner urge to revolt against the current status quo, even before knowing…

Europe at the Crossroad: Decline or Reconstruction?


SOCIAL EUROPE. Uncertainty and unease surround both Europe´s current predicament and future prospects. Be it national governments devoid of European solidarity, the self-contained Brussels bureaucracy or fear of another economic recession. The status quo in Europe contains much to be concerned about.

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