
Vladan Lausevic - sida 3

Vladan Lausevic har publicerat 118 artiklar.

Vladan Lausevic är stockholmare och aktiv som skribent, liberal debattör och aktivist med intresse för såväl mjuka som hårda politiska frågor. I bagaget har en examen i historia och Europastudier. Vladans motto: “Jag har ingen identitet, jag har bara identiteter”.

Hur ska populismen bemötas?


DEMOKRATI. “Bokens styrka är att den berättar om hur den rådande situationen ser ut i en av världens äldsta och bäst fungerande demokratier och hur den ska kunna fortsätta vara det under de kommande decennierna.” Vladan Lausevic har läst Olle Wästbergs bok Den hotade demokratin.

Nordic Fashion

Future Nordic Fashion


  FASHION. The nordic fashion that’s shown at Prince Eugene, Waldemarsudde, situated in Stockholm Royal Park, doesn’t have much resemblance to anything Nordic except for its name. 


Zorn: a Swedish superstar


ART. This is a somewhat equivocal title for this spring’s exhibition of the painter Anders Zorn (1860 – 1920), showing at our National Museum in Stockholm. It’s true that he was well-known, but for some, he’s outdated. I tried to find out what such a traditional painter can offer a contemporary viewer.  

Are cryptocurrencies good for the planet?


DECENTRALISATION. Cryptocurrencies are often criticised for having a negative impact on the environment and climate. This is particularly the case with Bitcoin in relation to carbon emissions and ecological footprint. Despite such problems, in the future different cryptocurrencies will be able to contribute to climate transformation and greener economic interactions.

The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict – Some Thoughts


OPINION. There are ways to solve the Israel-Palestine conflict, argues Tomas Nordberg in this the third of articles on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Oslo Accords provide the guidelines for reconciliation. We must go to the roots of the conflict to arrive at its solutions. For conflict solution, not just management, both sides need to exhibit…

The Palestine Question: The Two-State Solution


Throughout modern Israeli and Palestinian political history, there has been a realization that a balance must be struck between Palestinian aspirations for self-determination and Israeli legitimate security concerns. The Israeli settlements contribute to hardening the conflict and lessening the prospects for peace. Although international law prohibits moving one´s population to occupied ground, there are close…

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