
Vladan Lausevic

Vladan Lausevic har publicerat 118 artiklar.

Vladan Lausevic är stockholmare och aktiv som skribent, liberal debattör och aktivist med intresse för såväl mjuka som hårda politiska frågor. I bagaget har en examen i historia och Europastudier. Vladans motto: “Jag har ingen identitet, jag har bara identiteter”.
Montage: Opulens. (Bildkälla: Pixabay.com)

Det våras för kryptoanarkismen


FRIHET. Vänsterkritiken mot kryptovalutor brukar handla om nyliberalism och kapitalism. Men kritiken missar att kryptovalutor historiskt sett är kopplade till olika anarkistiska idéer. Den som vill förstå kryptovalutor behöver bland annat läsa om teknoanarkistiska idéer under 1990- och 2000-talet.

Cryptocurrencies are a vital part of the new globalisation


    WORLD.  Globalization has been proclaimed dead in relation to the inflation problems, the war in Ukraine, and the recent Covie-19 pandemic. Different academics and experts have talked about deglobalization since 2020. However, new globalization is now being developed and also organized with decentralized technology such as cryptocurrencies.  Comments and myths about “the death…

Walls, fences, and a borderless world: Recent arguments


This article was originally published in 2019 by Amy Oloo via Democracy Without Borders blog.  FREEDOM. With millions of people across the world fleeing violence, oppression, economic desparation or because of environmental reasons, migration remains a key issue on the political agenda. Two years ago we reported on our blog that a powerful case was made…

New solutions for global risks?


CLIMATE. “The opportunity with the Stockholm + 50 conference is to get us back to focusing on fundamental global risks. At the same time as the ongoing war takes up a lot of attention”, writes Waldemar Ingdahl of the Global Challenges Foundation.

Nya lösningar på de globala riskerna?


KLIMATET. “Möjligheten med Stockholm+50-konferensen är att få oss tillbaka till att fokusera på grundläggande globala risker. Detta samtidigt som pågående krig tar stort utrymme”, skriver Waldemar Ingdahl på Global Challenges Foundation.

Being an individual yesterday, today and tomorrow


THE INDIVIDUAL. Historically, the notion of being an individual is a modern phenomenon because as humans throughout history, we have lived in more or less collectivist forms of polities, communities and social organizing. Questions about our existence, feelings and lifestyles are something we deal with daily. In the book “We are all individualists” (“Vi är…

Dr Whistleblower i backspegeln


CORONA. “Att det förekommit problem och onödiga dödsfall i vården är inte detsamma som systematiskt mord på äldre.” Under våren 2020 skrev Vladan Lausevic en uppmärksammad artikelserie i Opulens som bland annat var starkt kritisk till en läkares opinionsbildning under pandemin. Nu tittar han tillbaka på den debatten.

The parrot


I live in a cage, and I have lived in it for a long time. How long? I don’t know. My memory is, as you know, not much to boast about. But that doesn’t mean that I am an idiot. I understand more than you think. But it is obvious that you like to laugh…

Pablo Reinoso at Chambord


Chambord is a 500-year-old castle in the Loire Valley, South of Paris. Magic operates when a contemporary artist is permitted to use its historic walls and grandiose park for his artworks!  This spring and throughout the summer, the castle is opened for visitors to come and enjoy its premises with a touch of grace: that…

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